Solomonic magic, one of the most popular Western schools of magic, has a long standing history in the Near East. Hundreds of Arabic manuscripts made references to the magic and jinn of King Solomon. This is a deep treasure of literature totally unknown to the English speaking world. Join us as we explore Solomonic magic from a non-European perspective. We will look at multiple Arabic manuscripts in search for answers to the following:
- The one red herring in the legend of King Solomon and the Demons that most writers gloss over and why it is important to know.
- Who are the jinn that King Solomon worked with? It isn’t the ones most magicians call.
- Solomonic Circle – Powerful or Just Pretty Art? We explore ancient keys that few Western magicians are aware of.
- The secret of the four doors in Solomonic magic and why they are critical to success.
- The potent magical energy of the name etched on the Canopy of the Glory.
- The prayer of the Day of the Confederates.
- What is the Mandal and what makes it an effective tool for jinn communication?
- What are the inscriptions on the magic mirror for calling on the angel Sherntaeel? Why did ancient Arabic magicians rely heavily on this angel?
- Solomon’s True Ring of Power and the ifreets and jinn that served it. Critical information for any serious student of Solomonic magic.
- The ancient seven symbols of power revealed to King Solomon. If you don’t know them, you’re handicapped from day one.
- The Lesser Key of Solomon vs a dangerous manuscript discovered walled in a castle in Toledo Spain.
- And much more…

This webinar is perfect for beginners looking to expand their understanding of Solomonic magic beyond English rehash. Lots of tips and added practical information for more advanced users. Solomonic Magic webinar adds a whole new level of understanding and empower you with critical knowledge.
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