Use This Little-Known 25-Minute “Meridian Orbit” Technique To
Circulate The Energies Of Planet Venus In Your Body, And Start…
Dear Students in Magic,
Why do I call this course “Attract Them Without Seduction”, even though it is just as life-altering when it comes to improving marriages, getting rapid-fire job promotions, manifesting more money, commanding more respect along the social totem pole and more?
Because each of those life areas “traditionally” require that you take understated control of the human interaction involved.
In other words, if you wanted more money, social status and promotion, traditionally you had to WORK on your “charm” and on memorizing more than a dozen interaction routines, and then you had put it all to very regular use “in-field” until it became second nature.
If you wanted more results in the dating world, traditionally you had to do both outer game and inner game “work”, working on enhancing seductive skills and magnetic communication, and undergoing grueling, often rejection-filled training in socially packed situations.
If you wanted more intimacy in your marriage or long-term relationship, traditionally you had to work on empathy building, training your neurology to be non-reactive, imperturbable, solid in yourself even if the other person did not make it easy for you.
Yet, what if I told you that you could automatically, without even trying, be moved by a benevolent, invisible helper to automatically manifest just the right attitudes, the right words, the right actions on the fly without even trying?
Think, “naturals”. Those who walk the world as though aided by the gods… unfairly blessed by accident of birth… who seem to automatically, just by virtue of being who they are, effortlessly think, do and say the right things, and even vibe the right WAY without uttering a single word.
Well, think about us no further. Here’s your invitation to actually join us.
When you activate the Venusian energies that have been so far “inert” (or inactive) in your energy-body, you’ll be given what can only be described as…
An Unfair Energy-Advantage
In Romance, Business and Beyond:
The Advantage Of The COMPLETE NATURAL!
Alright, so this is it: The very limited three-day reopening of my course Attract Them Without Seduction.
In just a moment, I will elaborate further why it will set your social life, your financial life, your romantic life, your very self-concept about yourself and what you are capable of, on veritable FIRE.
But just a friendly word of warning first: What you are about to learn is powerful.
And while you will wear pulling-pulling magnetism like a second cover, sometimes within hours after your first practice, and while this practice falls in the “white magic” category, to my knowledge, there is no defense against it.
And you know something? With this much power put in the public’s hands, I need to come clean and emphatically assert that I am about healed relationships, and about heightened self-esteems enjoyed by everyone.
I am not about breaking hearts, or manipulative behavior, or canned pick-up lines that create a false veneer.
Those who will enrich your life deserve better, and so do you.
Which is why, after years of self-experimentation, combining the most effective elements of Arabian, Daoist and Polynesian energy techniques into a single, powerful 25-minute protocol…
… I can confidently say that you can put this to astonishingly powerful practice to use, knowing that your integrity as a human being will remain fully intact.
I believe that your heightened attractiveness should serve you and your future, yes, but it should also benefit the collective, to make the world a better place.
If you do not agree with the above, and instead choose to use this information for predatory purposes, then please don’t read further.
If however you choose to activate what I call “effortless attractiveness” innate within you – like an ON-switch – using Venusian energies, and do so for the betterment of all…
… A completely magical, unique way unexplored anywhere else, by any other expert on attraction-enhancement (magician or otherwise)…
… A way to give the full gift of who you are to the world…
… A way to bring more healing to shared experiences with other human beings…
… A way to extract wisdom from the heightened, heavenly NEW excitement in your current relationships (and new ones)…
… A way to use erotic experiences the way they were meant to be used: as pathways to the Divine…
Learn Use This Technique!
So what’s this technique?
It combines talismans for drawing from the powers of three very key planets, and in particular, Venus.
You simply print them out, place them on the ritual board or table in front of you, and then simply put on your earphones and listen to the guided meditation MP3s I created specifically for this purpose.
Within hours, you will start experiencing a shift in yourself, your self-concept, your surroundings.
Within days, you will begin noticing people treating you differently; the number of smiles from random strangers, friendly eye-contacts, even incidents of flirting.
And then shortly after that?
I am not going to spoil the surprise. You need to experience it for yourself to believe it.
The technique comes in TWO phases, with slight variations between male and female practitioners:
Phase I: General Empowerment
In this phase, you will use the Talisman of the Sun pictured above (if you are male or identify with the masculine and wish to attract the feminine) in order to awaken masculine power and charisma.
Similarly, if you are a woman or identify with the feminine and wish to attract the masculine, you will use the talisman of the Moon.
Now the Sun and the Moon are more about YOU. The other part of the attraction-equation is the “other”; your fellow human beings.
For this purpose, you will use the planet Venus’s talisman.
In all the above cases, you will be given specific guided meditation MP3s to listen to with the talismans placed in front of you.
Now, just from this phase, you will experience profound shifts in your external reality, and you might wish to stay in this phase and not move on to the optional phase II.
However, here’s why you might want to move on to phase II:
Phase II: Specific Venusian Empowerments
In Phase II, you will be working specifically and exclusively with Venus to attract very specific “types” of relationships into your life.
Why? Because some might develop preferences on who to associate with (romantically or otherwise) and who to exclude. This phase is for the informed energy-worker.
You will be given a choice of which exact Venusian energy to vibrate at, and what “type” of relationship that energy will correspond to:
For instance, Venus in Scorpio will attract to you very deep, passionate, sexually potent relationships.
Venus in Leo will attract to you very warm-hearted, romantic, colorful, theatrical kinds of partners.
Here, you have CHOICE between NINE Venusian energies to pick from and embody.
All of the above, and more, will be explained in the hour+long Zoom recording video, as well as the companion short PDF instruction manual, called: “Attract Them Without Seduction – A Quick Start Guide”.
So, if you act by or before I close this page down, here’s what you’re getting:
The “Attract Them Without Seduction” Zoom-recorded video instruction ($197 value)…
The “Attract Them Without Seduction” Quick Start PDF Guide ($47 value)…
The Phase I Talismans of the Sun, Moon and Venus ($77 value)…
The three Phase I MP3 Guided Meditations to work with the Talismans ($127 value).
The Phase II Nine Talismans of Venus For Very Specific Relationship Outcomes ($147 value)…
The Phase II Nine Venusian MP3 Guided Meditations For Each Specific Relationship Outcome ($177 value)…
BONUS 1: The 9 “Sleep Time” Venusian Talismans to place under your pillow while you sleep for maximum subconscious imprinting ($77 value)…
BONUS 2: The 9 “Sleep Time” Venusian Meditation MP3s to listen to while you sleep, with the talismans placed under your pillow for maximum subconscious imprinting ($127 value)…
You will get all these tools for destiny-shifting in your love life and career (don’t forget that Venus rules ALL human interactions, including financial ones), for a single tuition fee of $497 $297.
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Yours In Love and Wonders,
Arman Z. Bahrani