48 Silver Leaves of the Moon

tingling and pulsating on the crown of my head…and my room was getting like water.

A. N.

Its vibrating and there is light, but then I see a man like figure standing in the void of space…

S. T.

Felt cold to start then flushes of heat….but felt more like alien entities. I feel its used as a portal


I felt a strong pressure in my head, like my brain was going to explode through my ears. Then, I felt removed, at peace and expectant. Then remote and isolated, but radiant. It’s like the energy is sent through the moon, which boosts it.


Sixteen years ago Nineveh Shadrach received a transmission while working with the jinn. It was written in the form of 48 magic squares using the Latin alphabet as placeholders. These squares formed a single talisman for the purposes of evoking the lunar energy and contacting lunar jinn. There isn’t much else known about it. It did what it promised and the intense connection when holding the manuscript was too jarring. He chose to err on the side of safety and destroyed the talismanic manuscript over 20 years ago.

The data was locked away in an electronic file. It has survived over 8 potential fatal harddrive crashes. He pulled it out again due to his current unpublished research into lunar portals and printed it. He got a jolt from the printed form as well. A decision was made to share a printed version with only 9 people. It sold within days in 2014. This book has NO instructions and has NO rituals. The whole book from the front page to the last page is designed to be a talisman and a magical key. The book doesn’t teach any spells, but IS the key to the spell.

All that is known about its usage is that the book pages are to be charged under the Moon. Hold the pages under the light of the Moon and recite the names. It is believed that it functions as a key to the lunar gateways used by the jinn. Some people have reported interesting experiences while holding the pages as far as its effects on the third eye chakra, sleeping with it, and from intoning some of the words in the squares.

Nineveh Shadrach shared one of the pages on his facebook for people to test. People have reported visions of the Moon so vivid as if they can almost touch it or feeling energies moving up their spines within second. One person even had vision of a hut in the forest near the mysterious explosion in Siberia 100 years ago. You can do the same test yourself! Chant for 10 minutes or more: Talstano Barendon Kalegona Sabrinat Talmimon Bebversan Korensob

Due to the mysterious nature of the talismans and the unusual reactions they generate, we offer no warranty or provide any guarantees as to what you may experience should you acquire a copy of this.

Only 15 7 copies are available for sale.

This remains for the most daring of magicians …

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